Vancouver Restaurants are hiring gig workers.

Hospitality Operators in Vancouver Look to mPloy for Gig Work as Labour Solution, Industry Analysis Suggests

Despite a forecasted growth in employment, Vancouver restaurant owners are facing a considerable challenge in staffing adequately, with nearly half of the operators reporting a staffing shortfall to meet current customer demand. According to the latest sector outlook, the hospitality industry in Vancouver is expected to create thousands of new jobs in the coming decade. This projection is informed by regional labour market trends and analysis from industry sources.

Approximately 25% of restaurateurs surveyed indicated openness to leveraging “gig workers” supplied by third-party services like mPloy to supplement their workforce. mPloy, positioned in the budding gig economy in Vancouver, provides a platform for connecting independent contractors with eateries in need of temporary staffing. This option is gaining attention as nine out of ten restaurateurs acknowledge recruitment and retention as a key hurdle, a sentiment echoed in industry reports.

Restaurant management in Vancouver restaurants are happy to hire gig workers to end labour problems.mPloy and similar services offer a modern solution to these staffing challenges, buoyed by technology and the industry’s inherent flexibility in hours and employment. As the restaurant sector traditionally relies on a substantial portion of part-time workers, the infrastructure to support gig employment – both in hiring and retaining workers – is expected to evolve and strengthen.

Gig work has become a topic of considerable debate, particularly in the context of worker classification and the associated rights and benefits. While proponents cite the flexibility for workers to choose irregular shifts, critics point to the lack of traditional employment benefits and stability. The balance between these aspects continues to shape regulatory discussions and actions.

As Vancouver’s market adapts, it’s anticipated that technology will play an increasing role in enhancing worker productivity. While there is a trend toward greater adoption of technology in the industry, a strong majority of restaurant owners view technological solutions as tools to boost the efficiency of their staff rather than as a replacement for human workers.

This landscape reflects a broader pattern observed in the foodservice industry, where adapting to new models of work, like those offered by mPloy, might provide both opportunities and challenges as the market and regulatory environment continue to evolve.

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mPloy will launch once we reach 20,000 sign-ups. Join now if you’re a hospitality professional seeking flexible work hours and be part of a new era in the industry.

Are you interested in hiring gig workers with mPloy to boost your operations? Or are you an industry worker looking to add an extra shift to your schedule? Get in touch with mPloy to stay up to date on our launch. Contact us today